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Sunday, October 31, 2004

i lie to my friend

Why i still here in front of my PC? I should be in the C.S training, the tranining start from 8am to 5pm. I didn't go, although i had promised my friend. So sorry my friend, i lie to him, i sms him and said i am falled sick, really can't go to college. In fact, my mood is falled sick, bad mood....
I just had my lunch, today i woke up quite late, around 12pm, but still feel sleepy, maybe nothing to do, haha, actually i got a lot of things to do, but no mood. i can't keep on this like! I must finish MMS assignement today, do J language revision, do some J language writing.
Oh My God!! Yestersay discussed MML group assignment, one of my group member was so stubborn! she don't accepted others opinion, i have even no chance to talk! she never listen to others, this is my second time joining her for doing assingment. She is very petty, she always talk bad behind someone, and always suspect people talk bad behind her, and i had no choice, i have to listen to her! Because she think i am her good listener, haha! But she don't know i don't like this kind of childish behaviour!
May God bless us~ thanks~

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Feeling down.....

Feeling down today, don't know why. Just now I went to E.P lecture, I was late, but come out ealier, I only sit in the class for 30 minute, then I just came out and go back to the hostel.
My friend wanted to borrow my EP pratical note, the tutor didn't give us note, but he only teach us how to use Adobe photoshop, step by step, so I wrote down the procedure. I do have my own note, but I don't want to borrow to that noisy fellow. He is a weird guy! Always talk nonsense in the class, he never listen to what the tutor said, he keep talking and make noise, so I don't want to borrow him! He deserve it!
I ate a lot of things for my dinner, 1 egg tart, 1 slice of cake, 1 bun, 1 pack of noddle and 1 can of pepsi. so so so full! After eating, still down....down without reason. C called me, she ask for the ink that she putted in my room. Actually she ask me bring it to her when i go to EP class, but i forgot, so she called me, but i have no mood to answer the call, i just ignored it, she called several times, but i didn't answer, so was so angry and came to my room. Before she step in my room, i saw ps downstair, so i thrown the ink to her, when C come to my room with a very fierce face, she knocked the door very loudly, i hate people so rude, although i was my fault. Then i just told her, " i thrown it down to ps already", then i directly say bye bye to her and closed the door. i know i also can't be like that, but, sorry i am so so so down.
Then, sp came, she return me the $$, she knew i was down, but i told her i was stomach ache. she keep asking me what happened, i said i am okey, nothing happen. She knew i am down and said nothing after it, then she went back to her room. Then, i decided to have a nap, after about 30 minute, someone knock the door, then i wako up and open the door, i was sp, she bring me 2 packs of chocalate milk and wanted to know what's wrong with me, then we talk for a while until A came for asking me something about the MMS indi assignment. Thanks for sp's concern, and also thanks for ur milk! So glad to know her, because she always listen to me, when i am down.
Our J class wanted to start up J club in TARC, so last Tuesday we went to SxD, because we want to know the procedures, and how we should do. But the SxD directly reject our request and give us a lot of excuses. I was so disappointed and angry because I was not satisfied with the reasons that SxD gave us. After that, we discussed with our J teacher, he say he will try to talk about this matter with EMSx. I really hope that we can set it up successfully. Because we study the Language of J, my J teacher always tell us we should also study their cultures, so without a club, we can't group together to interact with those interested in J cultures, right? Just like homeless, although we study J language but it seems like meaningless.
But anyway, I think we will not give up! minasan, nishoni gambatte kudasai!
God bless us~ thank you!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Tomorrow will be a boring day

Just now came back from college, finished psychology lecture. Our psychology lecture is really funny and full of humors sense, he always make fun in the class, I like to attend his class, really interesting!
After the class, I go to C.S to meet friends for interview new people for xue ji, so poor thing....Only 3 people came for interview, only 1 is satisfied, ai....Poor thing, I think xue ji will "sao pei" soon. After that, we 3 went to lunch at TBR. Why the first stall of chicken rice always Q a long tail, i always wanted to taste it but I don't want to Q-up leh~, my friends said the chicken rice there is very delicious, haha, that's why people willing to Q-up for long time lah~
OMG! Raining heavily now, please stop raining lah~ later I will going out!
Tomorrow will be very boring, everyone was going back home, only left me in the hostel. However a lot of assignments going to start, but...No mood~ :(
OMG! My bank account only left few ringgit leh~ how to survive huh? Have to eat instant noodle these days....Save $$. So poor thing~~.
Anyway god will bless us~! Thank you!

Life is getting busier....

Today I registers for guitar class at music society, RM25 for registration, then I have to pay more RM50 at the first lesson, then monthly fee is RM25. Actually I intent to register for violin lesson, but it is more expensive, so, at the end, I decided to learn guitar.
career fair is starting at 27 of OCT, the people ask me to be the helper haven't delegate the job to me, he said his head will contact me, but only a few days left, the head haven't contact me leh~ please don't ask me to do last minute job!
Tomorrow I got only 1 class at 10am, after that I will go to an activity, I guess it is C.S activity, Y SMS me and told me, but he didn't mention more about it, then I ask him, but he didn't say what actually it is, but it's ok, tomorrow I go there then I will know.
Quite busy these days, my friend ask me out just now for yam cha, but it was raining, so I didn't go. I planned to start doing the MMS individual assignment, but no idea at the moment, so....haha, start it when I want to! I guess I can complete it in time.
OMG! Money no enough, recently I spent over budget, I didn't expect I will taking up guitar lesson, tomorrow I have to buy a brand new guitar at RM120, then first payment for fee is RM50, a lot I'm going to pay leh~ can some $ just flow from the heaven?? haha...Impossible :(
This morning I attended a seminar in college, it's talk about study in Japan, I am actually interested in Short-term student exchange program, from the seminar, I knew that it is impossible for me to apply scholarship for join to that program, because TARC have no connection with any university or colleges in Japan, I have to self subsidies if I want to join that program, quite disappointed :( Actually the tuition fee in Japan is very affordable, only the living expenses have to cost us very much!
Next month my Japanese classmates and I will have a sushi making session which my Ex-Japanese teacher promised to us. Now we are start to arrange everything, such as, the venue, the ingredients, the number of people who want to join and ect. Hope that it will be fun!!
Last chapter of psychology that we studied was really tough! We studied "BRAIN" last week, however we are mass communication student, but last week we all seems like medical student, we study the functions of various part of the brain. Although it is hard, but I like it also, because it make us like a doctor. Ha!
it's late, bed time~ wish me have a good dream, and good night everyone~ God bless us~ family, friends and me~

Monday, October 18, 2004

Finally, the Japanese class is starting

Haha, finally the Japanese class is starting today! We got about 17 people in the class, I thought the EMSD won't let us open the class, because there were only 11 people registered on this afternoon, we can only form a class at least 15 people, luckily finally got 17 people, don't know who are the few last went to register, so happy we can continue our Japanese study.
we got a few strange faces in the class just now, they are actually our senior in Japanese study. They met the problem of not enough people a few semester ago, so they continue studying now, luckily we didn't.
because of the Japanese class, I have to study continuously on Monday, my time on Monday is fully occupied, I study from 8am to 2pm, then 4pm to 8pm. So so so tired, but it is better than nothing to do.
I am now finish my dinner and after showering, very tired, later have to wash the clothes, otherwise no more clothes for tomorrow classes. I am participated in career fair in Oct 27 to 29, I am helping in P&P, so maybe some work my friends and I have to prepare before the fair, then we are going to start our individual assignment and group assignment as well~ getting busier, but I like it! Maybe 30 of this month I will going to watch the film, the passion of Christ, yesterday I met a friend who is promoting the film for their church. I would like to watch that film. Actually it was released about 6 months ago, because of the religion matter, so Malaysia government prohibited it for showing in the cinema, but now it is allow to show for certain date but the tickets can't sold openly, we can only buy the ticket through the church. I heard that it is a nice movie, so don't miss the chance.
today's mass media law tutorial was quite easy to understand~I hope that will be a fun and interesting subject and also all my friends will like it,~ enjoy study everyone...God bless eveyone!

Friday, October 15, 2004

when can i start my Japanese lesson??

I hate it!! When i can start my Japanese class??? Because of no enough student, even though i paid already, i still have to wait. Come on friends, please register faster ok? That is my last level in TARC, i want to complete it, then go to Japan language club to continue higher level, because i want to register for external Japanese exam next year in September. Although it still has plenty of time, but i worry that i have no enough requirement to register the exam, i believe those want to register for that exam also want to complete all the lesson as soon as possible, right? so, friends, please....

Aiyo...so sad leh~ Our Japanese teacher also hope that we can at least complete the 3 levels in TARC, for those want to take external exam have to go further on it.

Hope miracle will appear....haha~ God bless everyone~Thanks!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Can you handle the subject?

A new semester, new subjects, new lecturers, even for some B1 students, they have to deal with new environment, sincerely, hope they can get use of it.

Yesterday was really busy with the classes, from 8am till 2pm, we keep having classes, really tired, and then 4 to 6 is another lecture. To me, it is more worst, next week onward, i have another extra class, Japanese class whi ch is start from 5.30 to 8pm, however my time has a little bit crush, but i won't giving up learning Japanese, because i want to take up external Japanese exam next year in September, so i have to put more effort! Gambatte ne! It will be very tired, so i need a nice sleep on Sunday night, but unfortunately, i can't sleep well most of the time, maybe i should go to see the doctor :(

Last week, xue ji meeting, i suggested to put some attractive, cute, beautiful things on the Chinese society notice board to attract people to read it. I could like to start doing it, but, assignments are coming 1 by 1, and the lesson which the tutor teaching everytime i have to do revision to make sure i am really understand it. Time seems like not enough for me~ or maybe i am not capable to arrange it properly~ sign~

The subjects in this semester seems very difficult, especially the Mass Media Law, i am alomost don't understand all, the words are so strange! A lot of words i never read before, a lot of study cases we will meet in this subject. We have to understand the principle of the law, then apply it in the exam, which come out in a situation problem's questions.

My classmate told me her friend said this subject is really tough! But i told my friend, "don;t listen to the senoir, we can do it! Trust yourself! But actually i am not confidence with myself. But anyway, i will give my best to deal with these all to be said "difficult" subjects! Some of my friends were failed in last semester exam, i hope they can pass in the resit, sincerely! i willing to help them if they ask for it! Hope we can go to diploma together!

May God bless my family, friends, me~ Thanks!

Monday, October 04, 2004

Hi friends!

ha! A brand new semester! Hi everyone, I'm back!
Today is the first day of the semester. This is my 5th semester study in TARC, so far, I met happiness and difficulty here, thanks to those keep company with me when I am sad and happy!
No class tomorrow, I think tomorrow will be very boring :( ha! Oh, I almost forgot, maybe tomorrow I will go to the college and check my Japanese exam result, haha. Then I want to continue my next Japanese level, hopefully, there is a class ready for us!
My roommate had receive their 1st assignment in this semester, I think mine will be receive soon. Oh my god! I still got 1 report haven't done, Chinese society report, but I think I will make it out in these days.
assignment......A new semester.......I hate group assignment! I know I can't escape but....I still hate it! I rather choose individual assignment, I rather all done by myself! Because when we doing group assignment, the members have to communicate a lot, but.... During the communication, argue will happen :( I hate it! But.....I still have to do ....:(
May God bless my family, friends, and me ^_^I