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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Tomorrow will be a boring day

Just now came back from college, finished psychology lecture. Our psychology lecture is really funny and full of humors sense, he always make fun in the class, I like to attend his class, really interesting!
After the class, I go to C.S to meet friends for interview new people for xue ji, so poor thing....Only 3 people came for interview, only 1 is satisfied, ai....Poor thing, I think xue ji will "sao pei" soon. After that, we 3 went to lunch at TBR. Why the first stall of chicken rice always Q a long tail, i always wanted to taste it but I don't want to Q-up leh~, my friends said the chicken rice there is very delicious, haha, that's why people willing to Q-up for long time lah~
OMG! Raining heavily now, please stop raining lah~ later I will going out!
Tomorrow will be very boring, everyone was going back home, only left me in the hostel. However a lot of assignments going to start, but...No mood~ :(
OMG! My bank account only left few ringgit leh~ how to survive huh? Have to eat instant noodle these days....Save $$. So poor thing~~.
Anyway god will bless us~! Thank you!


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