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Sunday, October 31, 2004

i lie to my friend

Why i still here in front of my PC? I should be in the C.S training, the tranining start from 8am to 5pm. I didn't go, although i had promised my friend. So sorry my friend, i lie to him, i sms him and said i am falled sick, really can't go to college. In fact, my mood is falled sick, bad mood....
I just had my lunch, today i woke up quite late, around 12pm, but still feel sleepy, maybe nothing to do, haha, actually i got a lot of things to do, but no mood. i can't keep on this like! I must finish MMS assignement today, do J language revision, do some J language writing.
Oh My God!! Yestersay discussed MML group assignment, one of my group member was so stubborn! she don't accepted others opinion, i have even no chance to talk! she never listen to others, this is my second time joining her for doing assingment. She is very petty, she always talk bad behind someone, and always suspect people talk bad behind her, and i had no choice, i have to listen to her! Because she think i am her good listener, haha! But she don't know i don't like this kind of childish behaviour!
May God bless us~ thanks~


  • harlo there. hope u r feeling better now?

    about the eng prob u ask me, well, I have thought about it seriously and here am I now, trying to share with u how I learn eng k?

    I remember when I was young, my mom used to buy me eng story books, and forced me to speak eng with her! B4 she buy me an ice cream, I would have to spell "ice cream" correctly! haha imagine!

    then when I grew up and started to have my own thinking, I know that eng is important. therefore I started to buy those eng books which I have interest in, and read them without being forced by anyone.

    For example, I love to read about self improvement, so I read Chicken Soup for the Soul. I also heard that reading love novels would help too. But I dont like love stories alone, so I read those adventure ones with romance inside haha.

    And one more thing, my tuition teacher used to ask us to keep a grammar book. When we see sentences which is prefect in grammar (and those which we always make mistake in), copy it down in the book.

    You can do the same for other aspects as well. For example, u see one very beautiful sentence, u can copy it down also. For me, I have a vocab book. When I read eng mag, newspaper or etc, I will copr the words I dun understand down, and then look for its meaning in dictionary.

    And lastly, I love reading fashion mag, and itz a great way to improve my eng too!

    Hope that my "tips" above can help u! enjoy~

    By Blogger annegel, at 6:03 AM  

  • thanks for ur tips...i used to did it b4, but it seem not very useful to me...mayb we r different ppl with different method to use....

    my family speak mandarin at home, but my parents r realize english is important, thus they bought a set of english learning cassette for us when i was still young, although they were very poor at that moment, but we, the children didnt appriciate it, so....end up with poor english, ai....

    since i had my own thinking, i started like english, so i used various way to learning english, but i still can't really master it. mayb the methods are incorrect, mayb my eng basic is not good, o maybe other reason, till today, i still trying, read newspaper, magazine, ect...

    really thanks for ur advise, thanks. take care.

    By Blogger ~YuKo~, at 9:33 AM  

  • Happy holidays~

    By Blogger annegel, at 12:43 AM  

  • Hi there. thanks for dropping by my blog hehe. Well, my holidays were fabulous - shopping, baking, sleeping, eating, attended a wedding... etc etc. Life's beautiful!

    How come so long never post entries here already? Busy over college work? Anyway, keep on going, and be happy.


    By Blogger annegel, at 4:29 AM  

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