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Monday, August 30, 2004

After the exam...

Finally, the English exam was past. Luckily, it was easier than I expect! Before I go to the exam, I read Leehom's diary. I always read his diary when I am boring. I learned English from the diary, not only music, Leehom also give me lecture on English subject. So, Leehom is one of the people that I want to thanks to, thank you Leehom!
Before I enter the exam hall, I met him, I met him accidentally. So coincident! I stand in front of his friend, I am sure he saw me, but he didn't say hi to me, very disappointed....:( At the moment I saw him, I was very nervous, naturally, my heart beating so fast.
After the exam, I came back the hostel with my friends, and I saw him walk in front of me, very far, I can't catch him up, so just walk as usual.
I wanted to send SMS to him tonight, I did it these 2 night. Yesterday when we chatting on the SMS, I asked him am I disturbing him? He answered no, and asked me why? Then I answer him, "nothing, just boring". I keep wondering am I disturbing him?
It's time for shower, then I should put my soul back on my I.T lecture note, the day after tomorrow is my I.T test, I scored the highest coursework mark among the 2 P.R classes, but it's doesn't mean I will also score high mark in the final exam, so..... Study smart, and study hard O!

Later I am going to sit for the exam

Later I am going to sit for my English exam, a little bit nervous, but I can't do anything. I memorized the format already, I read some article and did some final preparation already. My friend was searching for the article that regarding about women smoking topic, don't know whether this topic will be the question? Aiyo...Just forget about it, once we enter the exam hall, once we open and start the exam, we will know, haha.....
Yesterday I SMS him, we talk a little, he was relaxing and watching movie. Finally he know who am I, haha. I always forgot his looks easily. Yesterday only saw him once, I don't know later whether I have mood to answer the exam question or not. I always say "depend on luck" and I have to say "depend on mood", haha. I am sure I failed B.M paper already, I don't want to fail English, because I don't wish to pay that much for resit paper!! and also my CGPA will drop much :(
Why so coincident, why I meet this problem during my exam season?? It is really make me feel bad!! God bless me and my family and also those sit for the exam.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Tomorrow is my English test

Because of some reasons, I couldn't sleep well and eat well these days, so yesterday, I ate at 11pm, I was really hungry when I feel I have mood to eat something. After my meal with friends at mamak stall, we went back to the hostel, but I counldn't get sleep, I was really tired but counldn't get sleep.

Tomorrow is my English final exam, as people say, language subject cannot be study, what can i do is read more, write more and speak more, so i come here to do my writing practise.

There are 3 part in the test, first part is comprehension, second is letter or MEMO writing and third is essay writing. Honestly, because of seldom did excersices, i am quite worry about the comprehension and essay.

Yesterday i sat for the Malay Language paper, it was really tough! and i have no mood to did it, i just roughly did it, so i am sure definitely i will fail this paper, sure! haha, then i have to prepare more RM56 for resit fee.

Now i am quite worry about tomorrow exam, because i have no confidence! I seldom meet these kind of problems since i study in college. Although i know i can't handle these test, but i will keep my principle clear, as my principle is........

As "he" told me, everyone please "plus oil, plus oil"!! haha. ^_^

Saturday, August 28, 2004



Friday, August 27, 2004





Wednesday, August 25, 2004

have u ever met this situation?

In this exam season, everyone is burying their head into the lecture notes and books. The people who face other problem will feel extra vex! Love matter, financial matter, ect….this really make a person irritate, feeling bad!

Come on! escape from your study room, come out and take a fresh air. I usually did it, but speak honestly some time it is work, some time don't, hehe.....

Good luck to me those sit for the final exam!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Do u cheat on ur exam?

Do you cheat on your exam? What is cheat means here? Passing answer or note around during the exam? Peep your friend's answer? No, what I means here is, begging for tips!

When the exam is around, will you begging tips from your teacher? I think most of the student did it, especially college students, right? I think nobody disagree with my statement.

I am a college student, usually, when the final exam is coming, most of my friends or classmate will begging tips from lecturer or tutor. Some lecturer will give us generously, the accuracy of the tips will reach about 70 - 80%. Wheares, some will just give us some hins and emphasize on those important part.

Honestly, I prefer the second type of lecturer. Emphasize the important part of the note. Is tips really important to a exam-sitting student? I ask some of my friends, they told me that we have to study more if no tips given from lecturer. Again I asked her, if really no tips at all, how she going to study, she said, "then we have to study the whole, a lot of note".

In my opinion, we are student, our duty is study, but not only study all the time, of course have to do some non-academic activities, but now I talking about exam, reader please don't get misunderstand. What a student should put more corncern on is study. My friend answered with "we have to study a lot", this make me feel, "we have to do it, although no tips at all", and also if you smart enough and pay attention in the class, you should know which part of the note is more important.

Speak frankly, I didn't follow tips, although the lecturer gave us, I just keep my principle clear. I thrown away the tips that I recorded on the paper that day when I sat in front of the lecturer during the lecturer class.

I know I may offend some people by saying these things. But, this is what I feel, everything when the exam is coming, I hope no lecturer give us tips, but please teach seriously. I may get a not very good result, but I am honest to myself!

Good luck to those believe in themselves! God bless us ^_^:

Friday, August 20, 2004

Dead Poet Society

Anyone watch this film b4? This is really a nice and meaningful film. The background of this movie is America, 50s. It's leaded by Robin Williams. Robin William play a role of teacher named Professor Keating, in this film, he is an untraditional teacher and he ask to teach in a boy school. He teach with his own special teaching method. Unlike usual teacher, he don't like the books in his teaching, moreover he ask his student destroy and throw away the books. He teach history in the football field, the boys like sport. Before a student kick a ball, he is required to answer a history question or memory an history event. They are so enjoy!

They are so enjoy in their teaching and learning. Unfortunately, the headmaster, parent-teacher association are disagree with his "weird" teaching method. They think that is not teaching, they think Professor Keating is play a fool with these students, he is misleading the students. Therefore, the school decided to sack Professor Keating.

The students are sad about his leaving, but nothing they can do to make professor stay with them. During his teaching, he said to the boys "suck the marrow of life".

I like this phrase but I can only understand it superficial, unfortunately, I didn't apply this phrase in my life. Sometime, I wasting time in doing nothing, I irritated with my attitude toward life. I think I lost my light house in my life.

Hopefully, I will find it soon. May God bless those good.