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Saturday, December 04, 2004

Miss my family

Very very busy now...because of tiredness , I miss my family a lot. I miss my mum cooking, miss my sisters and also miss my home! Now I really can't switch my bed time back to normal time, I always sleep at day time and stay awake in night time, I know it is harmful to my health, but I really can't switch it back. How?
very confuse now, I can't concentrate study now. All the tutorial Q & answers are not complete, some note are missing some part, I don't know what am I doing now. Oh my god...I going to make my parents and sister disappointed this semester, and also disappointed myself.
maybe I am the kind cannot do too many things in the same time. Maybe this semester I pick up too many things, guitar, working part-time, Japanese class, student reporter society...Today I met with B.S, I told him I want to quit to be a student reporter, and my reason is "I am busy" these days, I can't spare even little time for "Xue Ji", so I decided to quit. He allow me to quit, but I feel sorry to him and also Y, because it seem like I am irresponsible:(
1 more assingment on hand, EP pratical assignment, the task is create a flyer by Adobe photoshop. Oh my god! I don't know how to use Adobe, I tried countless time but still can't do it! How? I searched the guideline from the internet, I found it, but I don't understand it, how? Next week got EP pratical test, how? Don't know how to do! nevermind I won't give up! I want to figure it out!! I must figure it out!!!
my mum is coming to K.L this Monday, I want to meet her up, mum...I miss u! But my sisters are not coming along, I miss them also, and my father and brother. I planning to go back hometown on "dong zhi" but I got sushi making class on that day, so I can only go back in sem break. ai....Hoping everything will be fine.
may god bless my mum along the journey to K.L, bless my family and friends....Thanks god~


  • Hi! how's ur Sunday life? hope is great!

    how back 2 normal life? just try... let it become habit.. it is very hard from the begining.. so try 2 sleep earlier.. b4 11pm -12am...

    start mayb very hard.. but just froce urself.. 1 day.. 2day.. 3 day.. mayb 1 week later will better.. believe urself.. u belive it.. then u can do it

    why u study? study 4 ur family? study 4 urself? or c ur many fren study then u go study?

    I think study just 4 myself.. no matter how welll u study.. what the knowledge u learn no one can steal it.. it is ur useful asset..

    sometimes u must know what is important 2 u right now.. 2 quit something mayb good 4 u.. if u dont have much time 2 do the society job then influence ur study.. do u feel they will happy 2 c that?

    ha! I also have no idea with Adobe Photoshop.. I skip many lesson.. mayb later need 2 install n view the help file.. try our best k!

    I wait 4 sdtudy leave .. hope can back Jb soon..

    take care ya!

    By Blogger Jack, at 3:08 AM  

  • hi, how was the Ep pratical test? i think sure no problem for u, rite?
    tomolo got ep thoery test, ready? i am not! aiyo...many things to do leh~~ tired, no mood. some or next weds got jap test, then the level complete, so "she bu de" my classmate~~ especailly those same class with me since level 1, dun know do we still have chance to study jap together o not.
    ok la, g.luck to ur ep theory test, n also g,luck to me, coz later i will sit for pratical test.

    take care, c u!

    By Blogger ~YuKo~, at 7:30 PM  

  • Good morning! u mean the Adobe Photoshop? I just feel ok.. actually the lecturer just check got layer or not.. I think can pass...

    Lukcy I got tips from junior.. cos DPR already have mid term yesterday.. if come out with same is nice.. haha! I think siao pei told u already right?

    cant no study 2gether again, but there is lot of media can let u keep in touch with ur fren right? we have 2 face the leave of every fren.. every one should have thier dream.. they sure will go 2 let it become true..

    anyway.. all the best in ur mid term later.. c ya

    By Blogger Jack, at 5:18 PM  

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