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Thursday, November 25, 2004

Give me a break!

Today afternoon I had submitted E.P assignment. Still got 2 assignments on hand, MMS and psychology. Very very busy these days....2 more days to sit for psychology test, oh my god! I haven't read any of it yet! Then, 2 tests on Monday and 1 presentation, don't know how to deal with all these task??? Feel pressure....:(
Yesterday J invited SP and me to watch the Korean movie "The Way Home", I really wanted to watch, but yesterday I having Jap class until 8pm, some or still got assignment to rushing for.
Jap lesson getting more tougher now, some or our sensei teach very fast.... Sometime feel very hard to catch what he teach, but, I give never give up learning Jap Language.haha
It's time for doing assignment again....
God bless everyone~ Thanks~


  • Good morning!

    finally can read ur blog again.. :P

    ur EP lecturer no delay the deadline r? We will pass up on next Tue.. till now havent start 2 do yet.. we always wait.. wait 4 the last minites.. Lucky that MML got junior help or I dont think I can finish it in 1 night..

    haha.. nvm.. next time if have good stuff I will inform u again..

    till now I havent start 2 do MMS assignment too.. we never have any meeting... mayb is my problems..

    2molo I will go Kajang New Era College 2 join a camp.. about student reporter.. then go Theatre --- Stop 2 in UE3 on Sunday.. then mid term.. assign..

    anyway pls find some time 2 relax.. then continue ur 'work'.. all the best!

    By Blogger Jack, at 5:02 PM  

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