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Sunday, December 26, 2004

couldn't get sleep...

it's 4.05am already, but i couldn't get sleep, so very bad....i caught flu, sore throat, "cannot fall sick", i tell myself.

from my window, i can see the mood. the mood is so bright tonight, it just like a lantern. i planned to study today, but i didn't, i spent the whole day watching drama, although i had watched it already, but i keep watch it repeatly. i watch "good luck" leaded by kimura takuya (mu chu tuo zai), A cinderella story, leaded by hilary duff, and "GTO" special edition leaded by takashi sorimachi (fan ding long shi), and tomorrow i want to watch "true heart" once again. aiyo...no mood to study:(. just now i watched movie trail on apple movie trial website, i found a movie, "the chorus" it seems like a nice movie, talking about a music composer and orphans. it is a story after the WW2, the orphans were forgotten by the society, but the music composer teach them singing, give them hope. it's seems like a very touching movie, but i think it won't show in Malaysia. so...maybe i have to go to speedly to looking for it.

oh! i have not pay internet access fee yet, but luckly the office didn't stop my internet service yet, still can online...haha. i chatted with Nicole on MSN that day, after chatting with her, i think we are closer now. she gave me a X'mas gift on friday, it is a earing, a yellow ring-earing, although i don't wear earing, but thanks Nicole!

i wanted to go home-stay program in Japan! i want i want i want! but it's spend RM2600 for air ticket. some or it need to be interview, my friend told me it is very difficult to get this chance, but i want i want i want! i have not get the form yet, my ex-jap classmate promised me to get 1 for me, although it is difficult to pass the interview, but at least i want to try, try my best!

the 3rd level jap L class ahd completed, don't know is there a class for level 4 next semester? if no, i have to study in Jap foundation which is in the citibank tower. if no class for level 4 in TARC, i got no more chance to study with my current Jap classmate, so i gonna miss them, and also i gonna miss my lu sensei:(

how the result will be? i don't know? the result will release next semester....
good luck to me and my classmate~
God bless us~ thanks!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Going to printing shop later

oh~ finally I finish my flyer design, phew...What a long journey....Ha, actually not so tough lah...to exaggerated:p later I will going to Tmn Melawati to print my flyer then submit on Monday or tomorrow also can submit, then I can relax for few days, enjoy the celebrations....Hooray!

yesterday I went to JJ to buy X'mas present, at the end I bought some chocolate. I listen to X'mas song when I was wrapping them. :) so enjoy, feel happy to give people gift, although it is just a small gift, and also hope people will give me gift also lah..haha, just kidding:p. Yesterday my friends and I bought my friend, C's 21st birthday present. It is a crystal apple, it's looks like the apple of Love Generation. It cost RM39, quite beautiful and it is pink.

so, guys and gals, any plan for X'mas? My friends ask me for celebrations, but I don't feel like going, just want to stay at hostel, enjoy 1 person-celebration.

anyway hope every1 happy and enjoy this greeting season~
God bless us~thanks!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Dong Zhi

happy dong zhi everyone~~

today i woke up quite early, about 7, (7 to me is very early now, haha) because today is dong zhi. i went to my friend's house to make tang yuan. our tang yuan is very funny, it is green and white, it doesn't look like tang yuan. we can't get the red and white 1 because when we bought "mian tuan" in pasar, the red 1 already sold out, only left white and green, this is my first time to see got green tang yuan, some or got blue 1, so weird, maybe K.L people got many colour tang yuan, in jb i only see red and white. my the other 2 friends are also jb poelpe, so we all feel very weird then they start eeee here and eeee there in front of the stall. haha, we are so "sua gu" :P.

after buying all the ingredients, we go back home and start making it. because of impatient, the shape of tang yuan also very funny, some are big as fish ball, some are not ball shape but other funny shapes, haha. although it was not very beautifull and cute and at least can be eat. hehe. we make quite a lot, then we brought some to friends. it's feel good to give people thing, in chinese, there is a phrase called "shi bi shou geng you fu", i think i can understand a bit of it.

so friends, christmas is coming soon, are you going to give present to your friends or family? i think i will give to my close friends...although no$$ already, but i will choose some small and cheap but meaningful presents for them.

last week i bought myself a crystal neckless, it cost me RM50, my friend, C said it can be much more cheaper, why i always want to buy expensive thing? but i think i like it, then i will buy but not hesitate this and that, maybe this is one of the character of Leo. haha.

finally i completed the 3rd level of J language and the exam. i found that the exam is quite easy, it's much easier than i thought, maybe sensei hope everyone can pass and persue to next level. sensei (teacher) said if there is level 4 in TARC, he will speak to us in 100% J language, no more English. i can't wait to study level 4, although it's getting tougher and tougher but it's challengeable, isn't it? haha. the sushi making class has delayed to next thursday, a bit dissapointed, because have to wait 1 more week.:( i had finish wrapping the sourvenier which are going to give our sensei. i bought a batik scarf for the japanese sensei, and a hari accesory for another malaysian sensei. i hope they will like it. the wrapping paper looks like christmas wrapping paper, once again i feel great, because we are giving things to people. feel warm....

my friend C will celebrate her 21st birthday on the 1st of Jan 2005, so my friends and i are going to her home at Seremban. before the day of her birthday celebration, i got another celebration at my classmate's house. we got new year eve celebration, so i will over night at my classmate's house, then only the next day i come back to hostel and pack something, then go to KL central to take KTM to Seremban. then 1 more night sleep at friend's house.

after all the celebrations...i should set my mind down and start to preapre final exam. i think this semester exam will make me a bit nervous, because i have no confident for these subjects, but i think God will bless me, isn't it? haha, even though God will always by our side, we still have to put our effort and try the best to do everything, isn't it?

God bless us~ everyone~thanks!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

shopping at sungai wang

yesterday i went to sungai wang with friend, OMG! so so so tired!! so so so many people. why weekday also many people ar? no need to study and working meh? actually i hate shopping very much but yesterday i was buying the souvenier for the teacher who going to teach us make sushi, nobody want to take responsibility to buy the souvenier, so my friend and i are very nice, so we went to buy. we shopped from morning 11++am till 7++pm, we can't found the thing we wanted to buy, so...seeking from floor to floor, from 1 biulding to another building, so tired. next time i won't be so nice to take the responsibility to do this kind of task>p<

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

OMG! I'm going crazy

Someone help me!!! I'm going crazy!!! EP particle assignment driving me crazy. The tutor ask us to design a flyer by Adobe photoshop, I had tried to explore the function of every tools, but....:( I'm going crazy! Some or, I don't have any good idea to design it. Actually I did several of it, but they are UGLY>-< ! i dare not to look at them even once! :(

Friday, December 10, 2004

Friday evening

So hungry...Just now I went downstairs and bought some kuih to fill my empty stomach, although it's almost dinner time, but I don't want to take it too ealier, because I will hungry very soon, then have to take supper some or. I bought 1 curry puff, 1 roti sardin goreng and 1 kuih ubi, all together RMI. Today's Kuih ubi not very nice, quite hard, maybe the macik put more flour, less ubi today. haha.
I went to the guitar test this afternoon, ai.....I thought I can play calmly, but still panic, the performance was not in my expectation. nevermind, buck up! 2 more lessons in this level, I think I will continuo the next level.
aiyo...Very poor these days, I going to spend quite a lot money recently, internet fee RM70, guitar lesson deposit for next level RM30, then I decided to buy a internal burner because of the EP pratical assignment, I think it will cost me about RM100++. Some of my friends have burner, but I think I don't like to trouble people, so I think I better own myself a burner, whenever I want to use I just use, no need to ask. A few days ago, L called me ask me to work at PC fair, but I rejected him, my reason is I am busy, I can't catch up my study, so I have to put 100% concentrate on it. 1 more assignment on hand, I more test on hand, Japanese L, then the final exam will be just around the corner.
just now I met SC, she invited me to go for Christmas party on the coming Tuesday. I think I will not turn up, because those attend have to bring 1 present, then the ticket price is RM4, although it's cheap and worth, some or can meet people maybe make new friends, but I am very POOR now. and I feel sorry to SC, because last time she ask me to go for the movie "the passion of Christ, I promised her, but didn't go at the end, so sorry....:(. Anyway, this time thanks for invited me SC.:). Just now also met CH, he will going to debate this Sunday, so I wish him all the best. Jia you! haha
aiyo...My another friend, ask me to go to hospital XX, I don't know go there for what, maybe bring something for the patients, because X'mas coming soon,but I think I will not going with them, because I have to reorganize my note and start to study, so sorry MH. Very very sorry to MH, because last time she sms me ask me for dinner, then I promised, then she tell me the time and promised to fetch me at hostel. But....I can't go, because I got some else important. Then she SMS me again ask me to go for her church, a drama performance, it was on Thursday,I didn't reply her immediately because I was thinking should I go or not, after that I forgot to SMS her back. Then today I suddenly remember this thing, but Thursday was over already....aiyo...So sorry leh~~ so I still thinking now should I reject her once again?? But I am not free wo~ how?? :(
Y ask me to teach him MML, but I myself also can't follow what the tutor taught some or I have no free time, I said so to Y, then he said "nevermind la, teach me what you know", then I said "can make it after next Wednesday"? He said "ok lo", I thought Japanese L exam is on next Wednesday, but it is delay to next 2 Monday already, so....aiyo...Don't know how to arrange my time liao~. Very terrible, I have no idea how to start to do my EP pratical assignment, no idea at all, next Wednesday have to pass Mr. E for progressing check, some or have to give him the photo, I don't have single person photo leh~ my passport size photo also used up liao, no more left liao...So how?? aiyo...Sir, can I email you my photo?? haha.:p
just now I went to bank to bank in my cheque, aiyo...I ask my sister SMS me my public bank account no., then she ask father copy her my account no, then my fahter misunderstand, then give her my maybe account no., then sister SMS it to me, then I go to bank and fill in account no. But, the space for account no. was no enough, lesser 2 space, the cashier tell me it is not public bank account no. Then I was embarrassed leh~ then call once again to my sister ask her to confirm, then only she tell me it is maybank account no. But nevermind la~ human being always made mistake, haha.
Last night I chatted with JC, then I knew he is a smoker, he said he is very vex so he smoke, he adviced him smoke is bad for health, but he said that's ok for him~ aiyo...why people always give excuse for smoke and drink alchohol. I was drunk once, felt extrmely bad, vomitting and feel dizzy! so I wondering why people drink although they will feel more worst after it.
Last week, I heard LeeHom's new song, oh my God, why is he so so so talented leh? the song is so so so nice. "xin1 zhong1 de3 ri4 yue4" the music is composed by him, but not the lyric. he tried the new music style in his music, this is a song consist a lot of "chinese style" (zhong1 guo2 feng1), he record this song in Shang-ri-la and Tibet, so the song got a bit Shang-rila and Tibet feeling. he used "er hu" as 1 of the instrucment to compose the music. really a new style for him, nice o, I can't wait to listen to his new album, maybe will release at the end of this month or the middle of next month. jia you o Leehom!
6 o'clock now, I don't feel like to start doing anything but feel sleepy, YAWN~~maybe later take a nap then only start doing something.
ok la, hope tomorrow will be a nice day:)
may God bless us~ thanks~

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Miss my family

Very very busy now...because of tiredness , I miss my family a lot. I miss my mum cooking, miss my sisters and also miss my home! Now I really can't switch my bed time back to normal time, I always sleep at day time and stay awake in night time, I know it is harmful to my health, but I really can't switch it back. How?
very confuse now, I can't concentrate study now. All the tutorial Q & answers are not complete, some note are missing some part, I don't know what am I doing now. Oh my god...I going to make my parents and sister disappointed this semester, and also disappointed myself.
maybe I am the kind cannot do too many things in the same time. Maybe this semester I pick up too many things, guitar, working part-time, Japanese class, student reporter society...Today I met with B.S, I told him I want to quit to be a student reporter, and my reason is "I am busy" these days, I can't spare even little time for "Xue Ji", so I decided to quit. He allow me to quit, but I feel sorry to him and also Y, because it seem like I am irresponsible:(
1 more assingment on hand, EP pratical assignment, the task is create a flyer by Adobe photoshop. Oh my god! I don't know how to use Adobe, I tried countless time but still can't do it! How? I searched the guideline from the internet, I found it, but I don't understand it, how? Next week got EP pratical test, how? Don't know how to do! nevermind I won't give up! I want to figure it out!! I must figure it out!!!
my mum is coming to K.L this Monday, I want to meet her up, mum...I miss u! But my sisters are not coming along, I miss them also, and my father and brother. I planning to go back hometown on "dong zhi" but I got sushi making class on that day, so I can only go back in sem break. ai....Hoping everything will be fine.
may god bless my mum along the journey to K.L, bless my family and friends....Thanks god~