Welcome To MiNT LaND

Friday, September 03, 2004

1 more subject waiting to be test

1 more subject left...After that I will going back my hometown at 8/9, Wednesday.
The last subject is P.R, I don't have much confident on it, but I will try my best! Today is 3/9, I still got 3 or 4 days to make the final revision, that's all I can do! :)
My friends ask me to give them a small lecture on P.R, actually I don't really good on it, but I will tell them what I know about P.R, this subject, hopefully, it's will help them.
After the last paper, I will going back hometown, during my absence in K.L, my MiNT LaND will be lonely :(. In the holiday, I will go to Genting highland and Penang to have a vocation! ha! i hope it will be fun and interesting! The trip will start on 20/9. My friend and i will come back to K.L on 20/9, when we arrive K.L, we will going to Genting Highland directly. We will have a 2 days 1 night trip at Genting Highland. In our plan, we will come back to K.L on the next day. Then, the next destination is Penang! We are heading to Penang immediately after we come down from Genting. The journey to Penang will takes about 5 hours. We plan to take 2 or 3pm bus, follow the plan, we will reach Penang at maybe 8pm. I think no more plan at the night of the first day in Penang, because my friend and i must be very tired!
After the Penang trip, we will come back to K.L at 25/9, because we will attending to a Japan Club-organized activity. It is kimono wearing session, my friend and i can't wait to wear kimono and take the picture. Hopefully the entry fee and kimono wearing fee will be affordable.
The next day, we will going back to our own hometown. Lastly, the college will start the next semester on 5/10, then we have to face the exam result:( may god bless me, hehe. Hopefully this term break will be meaningful and fun!
May God bless my family, my friends and me! Thanks!


  • harloo! is me..

    u so bad.. till now just invite me 2 come.. nothings.. just kidding..

    finally is the last subject.. I also dont know o.. just can try my best..can u tell me what's definition concept of publicity? I still cant 5 this answer.

    Actually my classmates also plan 2 go Genting Highlands but I m not so interest.. I prefer 2 go Cameron Highlands n I dont have extra money 2 travel, they plan 2 go 3 days 2 night spend about RM 200.

    Mayb I will go Desaru.. still plan..

    I just hope can 5 a part time job.. cos I feel that I always can enjoy in the semester.. to watch movie, 2 hear seminar.. so holidays is good 4 me 2 earn some money..

    wish u all the best! enjoy holidays soon!

    By Blogger Jack, at 8:57 PM  

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