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Monday, March 28, 2005

a bit depress

just now, i got a phone call from home, it was my my sister. she told me that my mom has fell sick, she got fever, but hasnt go to doctor yet, coz my sister is busy for work n no1 is free. on the other hand, my father is started frustrated, coz no1 helping him in the restaurant. sign....:( i am worrying about my parents, my father is a easy-panic person, n also a perfectnist, he always want things to be done perfectly in short time. i forgot how many time we tried to persuade him take everything easy, dun rush for everythings, but he will listen to us at the beginning, but later he just turned back to the "original" him. my mother who is always a "victim", coz when my dad frustrated on something, he will nagging to my mom.

a few months later, we will move to our new house. bcoz of that, we will close our 15 years-biz. my parents can retire, i hope they can really enjoy their retire life.

hopefully everything going smoothly n god bless us! thanks god~

Monday, March 21, 2005

do u smoke?

do u smoke? once i asked my friend this Q. currently, 2 of my friends are smoker. i asked them the reason. 1 of them said, "it is cool", another said, "i smoke to release the pressure". i din ask further after they told me the reason, n i think everyone doing something n there must a reason behind it.

i came back to the hostel after the afternoon class just now. i saw a guy n a gal were sitting at the back a school building n the guy was smoking. i cant believe the guy is my friend. i saw him n i think he saw me also. the moment he saw me, he turn his head back quickly n pretend he din see me. 1 thing came to my mind immediately, "does his gf (who is my secondary school close friend) know he is smoking now?" he was a good guy with no bad habit, but y? y he start smoking now? he doesn't like the guy i knew him before. maybe i am too overreact about this matter.

her gf who is my friend was complainting to me that her bf ( who is the friend i saw is smoking) seem like din care about their relationship anymore. n as my knowledge this guy, his father now is diagnosed a quite serious sickness. he is the elder child in the family, so i am wondering is he carrying a lot of pressure with his father's problem? n this is the reason to make him start smoking?

i am not sure whether my his gf know about this thing? but i am not going to tell anyone. i think i should not invlove in their problem. at the same time, i will pretend that i din see the scene of he is smoking. but i hope he will quit this bad habit soon.

god bless everyone. thanks!